At a time when the legal sector is adjusting to the latest restrictions and updates every week, strategy and planning is becoming more of a headache. But one legal sector expert is providing content that can guide firms through the current climate and beyond. 

Murray Mathieson of Positively Legal will soon be launching his new venture, better@business, and before the release of his first product, he’s giving you access some of his materials for free. Click here for 3 Level Strategy, where Murray shows you his simple and effective formula on how to structure your strategy. It includes examples and also comes with a guidance document.

Murray is a Scottish non-practising solicitor and business coach. He’s been providing consultancy, coaching and training to law firms in the UK and internationally since setting up Positively legal 19 years ago. Before that Murray was in practice here and abroad, then in-house in the aerospace, football and construction industries. 

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